The study assesses to human resource management practices that are recruitment and selection, training and development and performance appraisal on employee’s job satisfaction. Using random sampling method, the sample data of 400 employees (teaching/non-teaching staff) was collected from Government and Private affiliated higher educational institutions of India using questionnaire method. Descriptive and inferential statistical techniques such as t-test and co relational analysis were applied to analyze the data. The study reveals that all the HRM practices implemented in the study area does not highly correlated to both the teaching and non teaching employees equally. However, it was also found that performance appraisal practices have no significant differences among government and private universities. This will be indicate some significant impact of overall HRM practices on job satisfaction among teaching and non-teaching staff of both the government and private institutions. Here, suggestions were made for the high-performance HR practices and employee’s job satisfaction, limitations of the study are disclosed, and future research directions for the academics are mentioned.
Human Resource Management Practices and its Impact on Job Satisfaction among Employees in Higher Education Sector
Publication Information
Journal Title: South Asian Law Review Journal
Author(s): Bhavani Devi K.S.
Published On: 13/01/2023
Volume: 9
First Page: 1
Last Page: 16
ISSN: 2456-7531
Publisher: The Law Brigade Publisher
DOI Not Allotted [Get DOI]
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Bhavani Devi K.S., Human Resource Management Practices and its Impact on Job Satisfaction among Employees in Higher Education Sector, Volume 9, South Asian Law Review Journal, 1-16, Published on 13/01/2023, Available at
Keywords: Higher education institution, Human resource management practices, Job satisfaction.
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