Revamping Antitrust for Digital Ecosystems: Towards a New Regulatory Paradigm

Publication Information

Journal Title: South Asian Law Review Journal
Author(s): Yamini Devi Nagarajan
Published On: 10/06/2024
Volume: 10
First Page: 13
Last Page: 24
ISSN: 2456-7531
Publisher: The Law Brigade Publisher

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Yamini Devi Nagarajan, Revamping Antitrust for Digital Ecosystems: Towards a New Regulatory Paradigm, Volume 10, South Asian Law Review Journal, 13-24, Published on 10/06/2024, Available at


This essay analyzes the meaning and application of skepticism, charts its development, and looks at how it affects digital marketing. We look at how intricate digital ecosystems are, how they affect innovation and competition, and how inadequate the current legal framework is to handle these intricate problems. We address market evaluation techniques and emphasize the necessity of extending antitrust legislation to the digital domain, based on current instances and examples. We also look at problems with border control and international protection requirements. The manifesto ends with a call to action on regulatory change, a vision of more competition, and the establishment of a new digital environment—despite the political, economic, and technological ramifications.

Keywords: Anti-Competitive, Antitrust, Competition Law, Data-Driven, Market

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